Choosing a neck pickup to match a Carvin M22SD

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11/28/2020 12:38 pm


I want to put some better pickups on the new LTD EC-256 that I just bought. I want to take advantage of a Carvin M22SD pickup that I put in my first guitar 20 years ago. This is a High Output humbucker pickup. My question is: what pickup do I put in the neck that keeps a coherence of sound and volume with the Carvin? I like to play hard rock and blues rock, and I love the sound of the EMG 81/85 pickups. I have done some research and I would like your advice.

For the neck:

-Bare Knuckle Cold Sweat [br]-Dimarzio d activator [br]-Bare Knuckle Black Hawk [br]-Bare Knuckle Aftermath[br]-EMG HZ4A (I have read that this is the passive version of the 85)[br]-Seymour Jazz model SH2N-4C BLK [br]-Some modern version of old Carvin C22N

I would be leaning towards (also for the price) the EMG HZ4A. What is your opinion?

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Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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11/30/2020 5:31 pm

Hey davidmg.82, this is a spcialized question, for sure! This also might be a great quesiton for our Ask A Guitar Tech thread! You should definitely post in there. Hopefully someone will get back to you soon!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
# 2

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